
Víðerni and Öræfi—Icelandic

Víðerni and Öræfi—Icelandic

The chapter of the “Wilderness Babel” exhibition, written by historian Unnur Karlsdóttir, analyzes the Icelandic notion of wilderness which refers to the natural landscape as a space, as a visual experience, sublime and aesthetic.

About the exhibition

About the exhibition

In “Another Silent Spring,” historian Donald Worster explains how human relations with other animals, wild and domestic, is at the core of a majority of epidemics.



In “Another Silent Spring,” historian Donald Worster explains how human relations with other animals, wild and domestic, is at the core of a majority of epidemics.

Epidemics and ecology

Epidemics and ecology

In “Another Silent Spring,” historian Donald Worster explains how human relations with other animals, wild and domestic, is at the core of a majority of epidemics.

“The people had done it themselves”

“The people had done it themselves”

In “Another Silent Spring,” historian Donald Worster explains how human relations with other animals, wild and domestic, is at the core of a majority of epidemics.

Copyright information

Copyright information

In “Another Silent Spring,” historian Donald Worster explains how human relations with other animals, wild and domestic, is at the core of a majority of epidemics.