Thanks for your interest in the Environment & Society Portal!
As a gateway to open access resources about the human-environment relationship, the Portal aims to address an international community of teachers and researchers, as well as the interested public. As the digital publication platform and archive of the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, the Portal’s publications and acquisitions follow the research themes of the RCC and its fellows. Yet even if you are not affiliated with the Rachel Carson Center, there are still many ways to get involved.
Follow us on social media! New features and new kinds of content are announced on, our Facebook page and our Twitter account @env_and_society as well as our Instagram account @environment_and_society_portal. You may receive updates about new content by subscribing to our RSS feed.
For scholars with an environmental history to tell (and those who love to read them):
Arcadia is an online, peer-reviewed publication platform for short, illustrated, and engaging environmental histories. Arcadia’s goals are to promote visibility and connections in global environmental history and historically minded cognate disciplines and to make original research accessible for general audiences. Become part of the Arcadia network, find out how to contribute here! Now available for Arcadia readers: share your comment! Users can now leave comments at the bottom of each article. What’s your perspective? Know of a related case, article, or researcher working on similar issues in another part of the world? Let us know what you think!
For museums, libraries, and archives with relevant collections:
The Portal’s Virtual Exhibitions curate digital objects within interpretive contexts. They are inspired by research projects of our fellows and/or collections of our partner institutions. Fellows may wish to produce a virtual exhibition to publicly communicate results of funded research; partner institutions are asked to provide in-kind support. For more information, please contact us at
For all users with great content recommendations:
The Multimedia Library makes content of various regions, disciplines, and media types (podcasts, films, images, reports, and academic texts) openly accessible and links it to related resources. To suggest a new acquisition for the Multimedia Library, please send a short English-language description of the item’s significance and copyright status to Recommendations for content in all languages are welcome. Please understand that we have limited capacity and that copyright issues and digitization processes make acquisition of some materials easier than others.
Contact us! Send us your ideas and feedback via e-mail. We look forward to hearing from you!