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This page provides a growing selection of links to environmental humanities organizations and resources that may be of interest to Environment & Society Portal users. Note that the links below will take you away from the Environment & Society Portal. To suggest further related organizations and resources, please use the “contact us” button on the right side of the page.
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The mission of Ant Spider Bee is to engage academics and practitioners in exploration, discussion, and reflection on digital practices, methodologies, and applications in environmental humanities work.
Edge Effects is a digital magazine produced by graduate students at the Center for Culture, History, and Environment (CHE), part of the Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison’s Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies. It offers a wide array of content relating to environmental and cultural change across the full sweep of human history.
Die Klimazwiebel is a collaboration between climate scientist Hans von Storch, paleoclimatologist Eduardo Zorita, sociologists Reiner Grundmann and Dennis Bray, and cultural anthropologist Werner Krauss.
The Otter ~ La Loutre is the NiCHE blog, which welcomes opinion about any issue related to nature and the past.NiCHE is first and foremost a community of people who share an interest in nature and the past.
Seeing the Woods is produced by the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society (RCC). Its contributors include the RCC’s staff and fellows, as well as external contributors from this multi-disciplinary community. The mission of the blog is to demonstrate the relevancy and importance of humanistic and historical perspectives in discussions about today’s environmental challenges.
Yale Environment 360 Published by the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies, Yale Environment 360 is an online magazine offering opinion, analysis, reporting and debate on global environmental issues. It features original articles by scientists, journalists, environmentalists, academics, policy makers, and business people, as well as multimedia content and a daily digest of major environmental news.
Berghahn Books and Journals Berghahn is an independent publisher of distinguished scholarly books and journals in the humanities and social sciences. A peer-review press, Berghahn is committed to the highest academic standards and seeks to enable innovative contributions to the scholarship in its fields of specialty. View featured articles of the journal Environment and Society.
Biodiversity Heritage Library The BHL improves research methodology by collaboratively making biodiversity literature openly available to the world as part of a global biodiversity community.
Botanicus Botanicus is a freely accessible repository of digitized historic botanical literature from the Missouri Botanical Garden Library. The main focus of the collection are illustrated botany volumes from the library’s rare book collection.
Census of Marine Life - History of Marine Animal Populations The History of Marine Animal Population (HMAP) is a global research initiative that analyzes and displays marine population data. It aims to enhance knowledge and understanding of how the diversity, distribution, and abundance of marine life in the worlds oceans changes over the long term.
The Cultural Framing of Environmental Discourse was an AHRC-funded project led by Prof Axel Goodbody (University of Bath) in 2010-11. It brought researchers working on environmental discourse together with practitioners in environmental broadcasting, journalism and consultancy. In three workshops, the ability of Frame Analysis was tested to serve as a conceptual tool for comparative examination of perceptions of environmental change in texts and images, and to throw light on the reasons for the different ways in which today’s environmental challenges are perceived and communicated by social actors.
Digital Scholarship Multisite of the Environmental Studies Program, Lewis & Clark College. Rich and varied collection of students’ digital research projects and resources.
EC-Earth EC-Earth is a earth-system model developed by a consortium of European research institutions aimed at studying the complex processes at work in the climate system and the evaluation of future impacts of climate change. The site holds also worldwide yearly synopses for various atmosphere and ocean variables since 1850.
Encyclopedia of Earth The Encyclopedia of Earth is an electronic reference work that contains expert-reviewed articles by scholars, educators and other professionals about the Earth, its natural environments, and their interaction with society. Freely accessible and fully searchable, its articles will be of interest for students, educators, scholars, and professionals, as well as to the general public.
Encyclopedia of Life The Encyclopedia of Life collects and showcases taxonomic data, distribution areas, images, zoological descriptions, and further references for every species in the world. It gathers this data from partner institutions as well as from the members of its community. The result is a constantly growing database. Founding institutions include the Field Museum, Harvard University, the Marine Biological Laboratory, Missouri Botanical Garden, and the Smithsonian Institution.
Environmental History Database Austria The EHDA is hosted by the Center for Environmental History (ZUG), an initiative of the Faculty for Interdisciplinary Studies of Klagenfurt University (IFF) in Vienna. The database profiles research in environmental history in Austria by providing details of works of environmental history, academic “gray literature,” and reports of current and completed research projects. More than 1200 data sets are searchable by period, location, and theme.
Environmental History Resources This website is maintained by Jan Oosthoek, an environmental historian based at the University of Newcastle in England. The site covers a wide range of topics, including landscape history, forestry and land use, pollution and ideas and perceptions of nature. Featured resources include topical bibliographies, essay collections on environmental history and a podcast series providing current information on conferences, publications, and research.
Environmental Humanities Environmental Humanities is an international open-access journal that aims to invigorate current interdisciplinary research on the environment. In response to a growing interest around the world in the many questions that arise in this era of rapid environmental and social change, the journal publishes outstanding scholarship that draws humanities disciplines into conversation with each other, and with the natural and social sciences.
EnvironmentalScience.org is a website advocating environmental science education and careers. It features freely available content written by environmental science experts, currently covering 30 degrees, almost 200 careers, and hundreds of articles.
Europeana Portal Europeana is a web portal that enables its users to explore the digital resources of Europe’s museums, libraries, archives, and audio-visual collections. Details of millions of digitized books, paintings, films, museum objects, and archival records throughout Europe are available via a single web interface.
The Evolution of the Conservation Movement Part of the Library of Congress “American Memory” project, this virtual exhibition documents the evolution of the American conservation movement by providing access to primary sources such as books, pamphlets, and photographs, as well as a chronology of selected events that helped shape the movement. It draws on various Library of Congress holdings and collections.
Forest History Society This site hosts a nonprofit library and archive dedicated to collecting, preserving, and disseminating forest and conservation history for all to use. It covers everything from timber, water, soil, forage, fish, and wildlife to recreation and spiritual values. The Forest History Society also promotes scholarship in the fields of forest, conservation, and environmental history.
GARDEN - Guide on Archives regarding Environmental History in Belgium, 18th-20th century GARDEN is a two years research project started in August 2011 and supported by the Belgian Federal Science Policy Office, the State Archives of Belgium and the State Archives in the Provinces. Its aim is to list and explain archives produced by Belgian public institutions between 1700 and 1980 that are relevant for environmental history.
Take Action (National Geographic) Take Action is a nonprofit initiative of National Geographic Mission Programs. It profiles hundreds of projects from around the world and presents users with the opportunity to “take action” by donating, volunteering, advocating, and sharing information.
Global Biodiversity Information Facility The Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) aims at encouraging free and open access to biodiversity data gathered through a global network of countries and organizations, Among GBIF’s aims there is the promotion of access and use of information about spatial and temporal distribution of organisms.
HistoricalClimatology.com The website was created to share scholarship of climates past, present, and future with those searching for new insights on global warming. HistoricalClimatology.com currently receives about 200,000 unique hits a year. It has been cited by the BBC, listed among the top web resources on climate change, and used in course curricula across disciplines.
H-Net Environment Part of H-NET, the Humanities & Social Sciences Online initiative, H-Environment is supported by organizations of professional historians including the American Society for Environmental History and the European Society for Environmental History. The website is intended as a general resource for people interested in environmental history and contains a wealth of materials, from book reviews and conference announcements to a course syllabus library and a survey of films.
Hurricane Digital Memory Bank Organized by George Mason University’s Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media and the University of New Orleans, the Hurricane Digital Memory Bank uses electronic media to preserve and present the stories and digital record of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita by collecting first-hand accounts, on-scene images, blog postings, and podcasts.
JSTOR Plant Science JSTOR Plant Science is a powerful research tool for aggregating and exploring the world’s botanical resources. Its easy-to-use interface provides students, scholars, and scientists with access to a range of content relevant to disciplines such as botany, biology, ecology, and environmental and conservation studies.
NOAA - Natural Hazards Databases The US National Geophysical Data Center offers images and data about recent and historical tsunami, earthquakes and volcanoes. Data may be easily retrieved via an advanced search facility featuring time-range search, and a map interface.
NOAA - Online Climate Data Directory The US National Climatic Data Center offers sets of data about worldwide climate, gathered in various weather stations since 1901. Data may be viewed over a textual search facility and a map viewer.
Now & Then: A Photo History of Life in Nature The Nature Conservancy has partnered with Historypin to make its photo archives publicly available on the Internet and gather a crowdsourced collection of historic photos about the role of natural places in people’s lives.
Oekologische Erinnerungsorte Since Pierre Nora’s 1984 Les lieux de mémoire, “sites of memory” have become part of a vast literature on cultures of memory and public history. Edited by environmental historian Frank Uekoetter, this project brings together essays and contributions on “Environmental Sites of Memory,” and will invite additional contributions and comments from the public.
Protected Planet The Protected Planet website maps and showcases data about protected areas from all over the world. It is also possible to download the complete dataset for further analysis.
African Environmental Humanities Network (ANEH) The African Network of Environmental Humanities was established in 2014 to facilitate communications between scholars researching environmental humanities in Africa.
Aldo Leopold Foundation The Aldo Leopold Foundation’s website is a great starting point for exploring the life and legacy of the influential conservationist, forester, philosopher, and writer. The site’s offerings include teaching materials and virtual tour of the Leopold Center. The Leopold Archives, a collaboration of the Foundation and the University of Wisconsin-Madison Archives, provides online access Leopold’s papers and related documents and photographs.
American Society for Environmental History (ASEH) The ASEH was founded in 1977 as the first scholarly organization to promote research, teaching, and public outreach in the field of environmental history. It aims to increase understanding of the role the environment has played throughout human history. The ASEH’s quarterly journal Environmental History is published by Oxford University Press.
Applied Environmental Ethics Study Group was established in 2009 by researchers at the Environmental Sciences and Sustainable Environmental programs at the University of Tsukuba, Japan. The main purpose was to develop the capacity of researchers in the field of environmental ethics by constantly seeking out answers or workable principles to solve or mitigate environmental problems such as water shortage, pollution, rights to resources and ethnic issues. It has amongst others placed the environmental ethics course as one of compulsory courses for those students who wish to obtain the master’s degree in environmental sciences. This is to provide students with opportunities to study and discuss about future directions and solutions for various environmental problems from a philosophical and ethical perspective.
Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE) works with professors, practicing writers and artists, environmental educators and activists, and environmentally concerned citizens by supporting teaching and learning in the fields of environmental literature, ecocriticism, environmental studies, literature, and science, and broadly in the humanities and the arts. The association also fosters member collaboration and public dialogue through conferences, network, publications and other forums, and generates collaborative research in the humanities, arts, social sciences, and sciences.
Association for East Asian Environmental History (AEAEH) The AEAEH was founded in 2011 and is an organization of members whose focus lies on doing research on East Asian environmental issuers with historical perspectives. It aims to promote the study of East Asian enironmental history and to foster communication between scholars interested in the subject of East Asian environmental history and related disciplines as well as environmental history and related disciplines world-wide.
Australian and New Zealand Environmental History Network The Environmental History Network was established in 1997 to facilitate communications between scholars, government, business, cultural and scientific institutions with interest in environmental history in Australia and New Zealand. The network provides exchange and information about forthcoming events and new publications within environmental history in Australia and New Zealand, and provides a portal with links to other organizations in Australia and New Zealand with interests in environmental history, becoming a portal to Australia for international groups with interests in global environmental history.
Australian Environmental Humanities Hub (AEEHUB) The AEEHUB was established in 2014 in order to facilitate the gathering, dissemination, and coordination of news, events, short courses, and other happenings in the emerging field of Environmental Humanities. Australian universities with research/teaching in the Environmental Humanities are represented in the hub to help ensure the flow of information and coordinate various local activities.
Center for Environmental Justice (CEJ) The CEJ drives connections to research both across the university and out into the world to redesign systems that will be more accessible for disadvantaged communities, thereby improving equity, inclusion, and sustainability for all. The CEJ convenes researchers formally through large international symposia, inter-departmental roundtable events, curricular workshops, and informally through university partnerships that build capacity for Environmental Justice skills and processes.
Centre for Environment and Development Studies (CEMUS) Uppsala Centre for Sustainable Development is an interdisciplinary center established at Uppsala University and the Department of Earth Sciences. CEMUS is based on a collaboration between Uppsala University (UU) and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). The Centre aims to be a catalyst for research and education within the field of sustainable development.
Climate History Network (CHN) The Climate History Network is an organization of scholars who reconstruct past climate changes and, often, identify how those changes affected human history. The CHN connects academics in many disciplines, from many countries. It encourages more collaborative and interdisciplinary teaching and research in climate history. The CHN offers contacts and resources for professors, teachers, students, and interested lay people.
Climates of Migration The Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society and the Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities in Essen (KWI) collaborated on this project on the historical intersections of climate change and environmental migrations. Seven researchers from various disciplines produced individual and collaborative projects focusing on “Climates of Colonization,” “Climates of Famine,” and “Disaster Migration.”
Environmental Humanities: A Transatlantic Research Network The transatlantic network of scholars in the environmental humanities was made possible by the Alexander von Humboldt Alumni-Prize in 2011 awarded to Sabine Wilke from the University of Washington. The objective of these collaborations is to develop a broader framework for thinking about the environment rooted in the productive encounter of ecocritical models of thought with the German tradition in the broadest sense of the term. The basic premise is that the humanities broadly construed in a transatlantic framework can play a vital role in fostering social awareness and informed decision-making.
European Association for the Study of Literature, Culture, and Environment (EASLCE) The European Association for the Study of Literature, Culture, and Environment (EASLCE) promotes research and education in the fields of literary, cultural and environmental studies, and aims to cultivate a better understanding of the interrelationship between natures and cultures for a more sustainable future.
European Cultural Heritage (ECHO) An initiative to create an infrastructure that makes cultural heritage openly accessible via the Internet, ECHO is rooted in a network of institutions, research projects, and other users providing content and technologies.
European Society for Environmental History (ESEH) ESEH is a scholarly society founded in 1999 to promote environmental history in Europe by encouraging and supporting research, teaching, and publications on the relationships between human culture and the environment. The Society aims to stimulate dialogue between humanistic scholarship, environmental science and other disciplines. The Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society (RCC) works closely with the ESEH on several projects, including Arcadia: Explorations in European Environmental History.
Global Diversity Foundation Organizations affiliated with the GDF promote agricultural, biological, and cultural diversity around the world. The organization’s international program offers training opportunities in biocultural diversity and ethnoecology research methods. The foundation is directed by Gary Martin, who is a former Carson Fellow at the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society.
Humanities for the Environment Observatories Their aim is to identify, explore, and demonstrate the contributions that humanistic and artistic disciplines can make to understanding, engaging with, and addressing global environmental challenges.
Ice Age Europe The Ice Age is one of the most fascinating periods in early human history. Its relicts are among the key testimonies of our cultural heritage and of human development.
International Consortium of Environmental History Organizations The ICEHO aims to foster international communication between environmental history organizations worldwide.
LMU Center for Digital Humanities Grant-funded projects supported by the University of Munich’s Humanities IT group, from the Art History tagging game Artigo to the Alpine language project VerbaAlpina.
Natural History Network The Natural History Network aims at promoting the value of natural history “by discussing and disseminating ideas and techniques on its successful practice to educators, scientists, artists, writers, the media, and the public at large.” Established in 2007, it publishes the online Journal of Natural History Education and Experience and organizes symposia, conference sessions, and workshops.
Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies Established in 1970 at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the Nelson Institute promotes interdisciplinary scholarship in environmental studies. The Institute was renamed in 2002 after the former Wisconsin governor and US Senator Gaylord Nelson, who founded Earth Day.
NiCHE: Network in Canadian History and Environment NiCHE brings together historians, geographers, and other researchers who study nature and humans in Canada’s past. It offers a forum for the field, supports collaboration among scholars, and ensures that associated research is shared with policymakers, scientists, and the Canadian public.
Nordic Network for Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies (NIES) NIES is a research network for environmentally oriented studies based primarily in the humanities. The network consists of researchers whose work addresses environmental questions from numerous disciplinary angles; the fields of history, literature, ethnology, linguistics, landscape architecture and cultural studies are represented among its more than fifty affiliated researchers.
Sociedad Latinoamericana y Caribena de Historia Ambiental (SOLCHA) SOLCHA (Latin American and Caribbean Society of Latin American History) was founded in 2006 and is based in Latin America. It is also open to scholars worldwide who have an interest in the historical relationship between human society and our natural environment, in general, and Latin American environmental history, in particular.
The Stockholm Resilience Centre is an international research and education centre that focuses on the resilience of social-ecological systems. It is internationally recognized for its transdisciplinary research, where it advances the understanding of complex social-ecological systems and generates new insights and development to improve ecosystem management practices and long-term sustainability.
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