Democratic Green
Democratic Green
Democratic Green: Who Owns the Olympiapark?
Democratic Green: Who Owns the Olympiapark?
Gregg Mitman examines the relationship between issues in early twentieth-century American society and the sciences of evolution and ecology to reveal how explicit social and political concerns influenced the scientific agenda of biologists at the University of Chicago and throughout the United States during the first half of the twentieth century.
This film considers wildlife conservation in Africa from the perspective of those who live in close proximity to the animals.
This film follows a young Liberian who returns to his post-war country with film footage which has the potential to push radical land reforms for sustainable community development.
Die Natur der Gefahr traces the history of the Ohio river, its significance for trade and industry, and its flooding disasters between the late eighteenth century through to the twentieth century.
Conservation and Mobile Indigenous Peoples presents case studies on the effects of modern conservation projects on local and indigenous populations across the world, and highlights lessons to be learnt for sustainable development.
This film follows a Christian community and its leader as they resist the oil and gas industry and its plans for expansion into their land.
This film explores the Occupy protests and similar activist movements and what their vision for the world is.
This film investigates the cost of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill disaster on Lousiana communities, and criticizes the relationship between British Petroleum and the U.S. government.