Mitman, Gregg and Alchemy Films. The Land Beneath Our Feet. Los Angeles: Alchemy Films, 2016. HD, 60 min.
The Land Beneath Our Feet weaves together rare archival footage from a 1926 Harvard expedition to Liberia with the journey of a young Liberian man, uprooted by war, seeking to understand how the past has shaped land conflicts in his country today. This film is an explosive reminder of how large-scale land grabs are transforming livelihoods across the planet and is directed by Sarita Siegel and Gregg Mitman. (Source: Gregg Mitman and the Official Film Website)
© 2016 Alchemy Films and Gregg Mitman. Trailer used with permission.
Further readings:
- Urey, Emmanuel K. “Corridors, Concessions, and the Extraction of Natural Resources in Liberia.” Environment & Society Portal, Arcadia 2015, no. 8.