
Agroecology as a Way of Life (Brazil)

Agroecology as a Way of Life (Brazil)

In this chapter from the virtual exhibition “Global Environments: A 360º Visual Journey,” Claire Lagier’s 360º video shows six-year-old agroforestry projects in a land reform settlement in the state of Paraná, Brazil. Her research focuses on agroecological rural social movements in this region.

About the Exhibition

About the Exhibition

In this exhibition, ENHANCE ITN doctoral researchers showcase short virtual reality video installations that emerged out of their own empirical and ethnographic fieldwork. The videos work by tracking, rendering, and displaying full-field visual, sonic, and tactile data in a context in which the viewer has full control and is empowered to decide what to look at, listen to, and feel—or which story to experience.

The Aldo Leopold Archives

The Aldo Leopold Archives in the University of Wisconsin-Madison Libraries Digital Collections serve scholars, policy leaders, and the general public who look to Aldo Leopold for insight and inspiration on how to deal with complex conservation challenges facing society in the twenty-first century.

"Environmental Disturbance Triggering Infestations of Gorse, Rabbits, and Thistles in Southern New Zealand: 1850 to 1980"

The authors use ecological theory to understand the spread, establishment, and dominance of three introduced organisms in New Zealand after episodes of natural and artificial environmental disturbance create opportunities for them to thrive.