Imaginative Ecologies: Inspiring Change through the Humanities
Excerpts from the book Imaginative Ecologies, including an interview with Christof Mauch.
Excerpts from the book Imaginative Ecologies, including an interview with Christof Mauch.
Death and Life of Nature in Asian Cities explores the encounter between two processes that are unfolding in diverse patterns across Asia.
In this episode of ASLE’s official podcast, Jemma Deer and Brandon Galm interviews Craig Santos Perez, poet and English professor at the University of Hawai’i, Mānoa.
In this commentary, Simon A. Levin argues for the partnership between ecologists and economists.
Donald Hughes on biodiversity. This is an entry in the KTH EHL VideoDictionary.
Donald Worster on environmental history. This is an entry in the KTH EHL VideoDictionary.
Alison Pouliot on fungi. This is an entry in the KTH EHL VideoDictionary.
Full text of Claire Lagier’s dissertation, “Constructing Legitimacy? Agroecology within and beyond the Brazilian Landless Workers’ Movement (MST).”
Claudio de Majo mostra come la nozione di beni comuni, spesso analizzata da una prospettiva economica, possa anche essere interpretata in connessione ai cicli ecologici delle montagne della Sila in Italia e della Serra Gaucha in Brasile.