water pollution

Pollution of the Cuyahoga River Causes Water Fires

The pollution of the Cuyahoga River was so severe that over the years the toxic waste caught fire numerous times. One specific fire in 1969 was reported upon by the Time Magazine and played a strong part in the movement towards cleansing the waterways nationwide.


Sydney Tar Ponds

The Sydney Tar Ponds are a huge waste site in Nova Scotia, Canada that contains large amounts of toxic chemicals. The ponds formed in a river mouth, where steel corporations let their largely coal-based pollutants and sludge drain off for many decades.


Coral Bleaching Harms Seychelle Islands

The 1998 El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) triggered the worst coral bleaching event ever witnessed, and is indicative of what future climate change events can destroy.


The United Nations Seabed Arms Control Treaty

In 1971, the United Nations initiates the ratification of the Seabed Arms Control Treaty, which protects the world’s seabeds from the introduction of nuclear weapons and waste.


Oil Spills in the Arthur Kill and Kill Van Kull Waterways in New York

Evor-Phillips Leasing Site Added to the Superfund National Priorities List

After decades of precious metal recovery and recycling on the Evor-Phillips Leasing site, the EPA tested and found high levels of volatile organic compounds and heavy metals in the site’s soil, surface water, and groundwater, including the nearby marsh and wetlands.