water pollution

Notes From the Greenhouse: Making the Case for Environmental History

About this issue

This volume of RCC Perspectives contains an English and a German version of a speech made by RCC Director Christof Mauch in 2009. In his speech, Mauch outlines the purpose of the Rachel Carson Center and argues for the importance of studying environmental history.


Mining in Central Europe: Perspectives from Environmental History

About this issue

This volume of RCC Perspectives offers an interdisciplinary look at mining and its environmental impacts in central Europe. The metals and minerals covered in the articles include copper and silver in Tirol, mercury in Slovenia, lead and zinc in Westphalia, lime in the Rhineland, and uranium in East and West Germany.


Rachel Carson's Silent Spring: Encounters and Legacies

About this issue

This issue of RCC Perspectives takes a sweeping look at encounters with and legacies of the book, examining the global impact of Silent Spring over its half century of existence and considering the ways in which Rachel Carson’s ecological worldview equips us to understand and confront current and future challenges to our planet.


Eco-Images: Historical Views and Political Strategies

About this issue

Taking a closer look at the history of eco-images and their influence in current debates, this issue of RCC Perspectives analyzes the role of visual material in shaping environmental discourses.


Die Frühgeschichte der globalen Umweltkrise und die Formierung der deutschen Umweltpolitik (1950–1973) [The early history of the global environmental crisis and the formation of German environmental politics]