New York

Region Related Areas: 
North America, United States
GeoNames ID: 
5 128 638

Branding the Green City

Barthold analyzes the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group to illustrate how city networks are powerful actors in the global dissemination of eco-modernization strategies aimed at decoupling economic growth from environmental degradation.

ALARM no. 3

In this first issue of the ALARM to be widely circulated, the editors explain their goals for the publication. Michael Vernon discusses environmental movements, property rights, and the Maine Conservation Rights Institute; Michaela de Liuda calls for attention to biodiversity and paganism; the editors present ALARM’s first “It’s All Bullshit” award; and EF!/Abenaki updates readers on their struggle to stop industrial fishing in the Abenaki River.

ALARM no. 5

The ALARM no. 5 reports on regional Earth First! direct actions; Mike Z. gives an update on Dartmouth students’ and locals’ protest in favor of divestment from Hydro-Quebec. Orin Langelle reports on the First International Temperate Forest Conference (FITFC) in Tasmania; and the editors reprint a biotechnology-critical statement from the left-radical Dutch paper Konfrontatie.

ALARM no. 6

In this issue of the ALARM, the editors explain the history of its name. Maine EF! brings up the subject of political violence against activists and tells the story of police brutality that occured against Mount Blue activists; Anne Petermann reports from the Earth First! invasion of the Conservation Congress in Bristol, Vermont; and Helkat welcomes new voices to the EF! movement.

ALARM no. 7

With issue 7, the ALARM changes its subtitle from “a voice of northeast Earth First!” to “a voice of revolutionary ecology” to reflect the feeling of the group Biodiversity Liberation Front EF! that it was too great a responsibility for one group to represent the entire region. While they will continue to report about EF! actions, they wish to draw on a revolutionary ecology perspective to form a more broadly based movement.

ALARM no. 8

In this issue of the ALARM includes a report on a Native Forest Network (NFN) activist’s arrest for protesting the destruction of roadless areas by the U.S. Forest Service in Idaho; a report of environmental devastation resulting from international initiatives such as toxic waste trade in Somalia; local news of a golf course threatening to expand into sacred Mohawk burial grounds; and a report on the economic development standoff of the Paugeesukq Nation and the state of Connecticut. Fiery Virus continues the argument against biotechnology from the previous issue. Orin Langelle and Anne Petermann present a thorough investigation of the situation in James and Hudson Bay, Northern Quebec, where people fight against Hydro-Quebec.

ALARM no. 10

The production of this short May Day issue of the ALARM is taken on by the editorial collective of the Big River EF! group. It includes reports on the International Day of Action against Hydro-Quebec, Monsanto policy, the general labor strike in Spain, and several environmental poems.

ALARM no. 11

The local group Massachusetts Earth First! has produced this issue of the ALARM. In it, readers are asked to write letters of encouragement to prisoners of conscience; Don Ogden calls for attention to the Western Abenaki people and their struggle for the health of their fishing waters; and Barbara McGovern updates readers on the radioactive waste management proposal in Massachusetts.

Oil Spills in the Arthur Kill and Kill Van Kull Waterways in New York