ALARM no. 11

from Multimedia Library Collection:
Earth First! Movement Writings

ALARM no. 11

The ALARM began in 1991 as a revolutionary ecological news quarterly published by Earth First! groups active in the northeastern United States, emphasizing news and direct actions significant to regional and indigneous groups. The local Earth First! group Biodiversity Liberation Front EF! was its original publisher; issue 3 was the first issue to be broadly circulated. The local group Big River EF! published issue 10, and Mass EF! published issue 11. The Eastern North American Native Forest Network took over its annual publication with issue 12.

Massachusetts Earth First!, ed., ALARM no. 11 (September 1994). Republished by the Environment & Society Portal, Multimedia Library.

Mass EF! has produced this issue of the ALARM. In it, readers are asked to write letters of encouragement to prisoners of conscience; Don Ogden calls for attention to the Western Abenaki people and their struggle for the health of their fishing waters; and Barbara McGovern updates readers on the radioactive waste management proposal in Massachusetts:

The Massachusetts Radioactive Waste Management Board, a gubantorially [sic] appointed board in charge of finding a ”solution” to the radioactive waste problem in MA, is looking for land in Massachusetts to “manage” so called “low-level” radioactive waste. On paper it might sound great and supporters claim it’s going to be good for the economy, but it’s not! The neat little public relations campaign would leave any think [sic] man or woman believing that way. One only needs to take a closer look at the picture to find out what is going on.

—Barbara McGovern

The Rachel Carson Center’s Environment & Society Portal makes archival materials openly accessible for purposes of research and education. Views expressed in these materials do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the Rachel Carson Center or its partners.

Further readings: 
  • Bari, Judi. Revolutionary Ecology: Biocentrism & Deep Ecology. Melville: Trees Foundation, 1998.
  • Lee, Martha. Earth First!: Environmental Apocalypse. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1995.
  • Merchant, Carolyn. Radical Ecology: The Search for a Livable World. London: Routledge, 1992.
  • Mies, Maria, and Vandana Shiva. Ecofeminism. London: Zed Books, 1993.