"Individual or Community? Two Approaches to Ecophilosophy in Practice"
Should environmental philosophers—or practical conservationists—focus their attentions on particular living creatures, or on the community of which they, and we, are part?
Should environmental philosophers—or practical conservationists—focus their attentions on particular living creatures, or on the community of which they, and we, are part?
Tom Lee on the dynamism and complexity of the relationship that exists between differing kinds of knowledge.
Main Currents in Western Environmental Thought provides an inclusive and balanced survey of the major issues debated by Western environmentalists over the last three decades.
This book discusses Marx’s ecological principles and materialistic views that can be traced back to mid-nineteenth-century social and scientific thought.
Ostwald is seen as one of the founders of physical chemistry.
Explores the conceptualization of environments as landscape, philosophically and historically.
The ‘domination of nature’ is a concept now fraught with negative connotations; however, it was not always thus.
This essay introduces the term deep ecology to philosophical debates.
Titus Lucretius Carus’s work is an extended reflection on the role of man within nature, influenced by Epicureanism.
Fan Kuan is one of the leading landscape painters in the Northern Song Tradition, and one of the most important artists in traditional China.