"Water as a Weapon: The History of Water Supply Development in Nkayi District, Zimbabwe"
This paper argues that much historical and political analysis of Zimbabwe neglects a crucial resource: water.
This paper argues that much historical and political analysis of Zimbabwe neglects a crucial resource: water.
The first international intergovernmental organization dedicated to environmental protection is established in 1972.
The Club Alpino Italiano, a gentlemen’s hiking group, was founded.
The Rio+20 World Summit takes place in Rio de Janeiro.
At the Gothenburg Summit in 2001, the European Council agreed upon a sustainability strategy for the European Union.
The United Nations declares basic development goals to be met by 2015.
The European Union adopts a model linking sustainability with ecological, economic, and social issues.
The Habitat II UN Conference on Human Settlements takes place in Istanbul in 1996.
The World Summit for Social Development takes place in Copenhagen.
The Business Council for Sustainable Development promotes sustainable development among businesses.