Green Development of Greenwashing? Environmental Humanities of Finland
An edited volume examining and challenging the reputed “greenness” of Finland.
An edited volume examining and challenging the reputed “greenness” of Finland.
In this Springs article, historian Melanie Arndt examines how the foundations for production, perception, and consumption of heating were laid at the turn of the twentieth century.
In this episode from the New Books Network podcast, Malcolm Harris is interviewed on his recent book, Palo Alto: A History of California, Capitalism, and the World.
Ansgar Schanbacher ripercorre gli sviluppi urbani passati e recenti di Gottinga, soffermandosi sull’accelerazione del consumo di suolo che ha progressivamente visto sparire numerose aree agricole. Il futuro, però, potrebbe riservare sorprese.
Ansgar Schanbacher charts the history of urban development in Göttingen focusing on the degree to which previously green and fertile agricultural areas have been sealed due to the demands of industrial development.
This is Chapter 13 of the virtual exhibition “Promotion and Transformation of Landscapes along the CB&Q Railroad” by environmental historian Eric D. Olmanson. The chapter focuses on the emergence of modern transport and its impact on railroad companies such as the CB&Q.
This is Chapter 12 of the virtual exhibition “Promotion and Transformation of Landscapes along the CB&Q Railroad” by environmental historian Eric D. Olmanson. The chapter focuses on the role of passenger rail for the process of suburbanization.
This is Chapter 10 of the virtual exhibition “Promotion and Transformation of Landscapes along the CB&Q Railroad” by environmental historian Eric D. Olmanson. The chapter focuses on how railroads played a crucial role in establishing and popularizing US national parks such as Yellowstone.