About this collection

The Books & Profiles collection contains full-text books, excerpts, profiles, and reviews of books on the human-environment relationship. The Rachel Carson Center partners with Berghahn Books to produce the environmental book series The Environment in History: International Perspectives and with Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht on the German language Umwelt und Gesellschaft. The collection profiles books on the human-environment relationship from other academic publishers such as White Horse Press, University of Calgary Press, Open Humanities Press, and University of Pittsburgh Press. It also features dialogues between environmental authors and critics through the H-Environment Roundtable Reviews

Showing 1–15 of 464 results
Wetlands in a Dry Land: More-than-Human Histories of Australia’s Murray-Darling Basin
O‘Gorman, Emily
The Land Is Our Community: Aldo Leopold’s Environmental Ethic for the New Millennium
Millstein, Roberta L.
Land Use: Handbook of the Anthropocene in Latin America I
Kaltmeier, Olaf, María Fernanda López Sandoval, José Augusto Pádua, and Adrián Gustavo Zarrilli (eds.)
“A Virus in the Forest: Yellow Fever, West Africa, and the Remaking of Alliances Among Living Things, 1900–1950”
Mitman, Gregg
Borne by the River: Canoeing the Delaware from Headwaters to Home
Van Noy, Rick
Entire of Itself? Towards an Environmental History of Islands
Prokić, Milica, and Pavla Šimková, eds.
Muddy Thinking in the Mississippi River Delta: A Call for Reclamation
Randolph, Ned
Air Conditioning
Hsu, Hsuan L.
Paradise Blues: Travels Through American Environmental History
Mauch, Christof
Capturing Glaciers: A History of Repeat Photography and Global Warming
Inkpen, Dani
Land, Water, Air and Freedom: The Making of World Movements for Environmental Justice
Martínez-Alier, Joan
The Routledge Handbook of Environmental History
O‘Gorman, Emily, William San Martín, Mark Carey, and Sandra Swart (eds.)
“(Inter)national and (Trans)regional Agents: The Coastal Sand Dunes of Mozambique”
Gaspar de Freitas, Joana , Inês Macamo Raimundo, Ignacio García Pereda, and Dissanayake Mudiyanselage Ruwan Sampath
“Actor-Networks, Conservation Treaties, and International Environmental History”
De Bont, Raf, and Simone Schleper
“Environmental Historians, Policy, and Governance”
Antonello, Alessandro, and Margaret Cook