About this collection

The Books & Profiles collection contains full-text books, excerpts, profiles, and reviews of books on the human-environment relationship. The Rachel Carson Center partners with Berghahn Books to produce the environmental book series The Environment in History: International Perspectives and with Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht on the German language Umwelt und Gesellschaft. The collection profiles books on the human-environment relationship from other academic publishers such as White Horse Press, University of Calgary Press, Open Humanities Press, and University of Pittsburgh Press. It also features dialogues between environmental authors and critics through the H-Environment Roundtable Reviews

Showing 106–120 of 477 results
Hazardous Chemicals: Agents of Risk and Change, 1800–2000
Homburg, Ernst and Elisabeth Vaupel, eds.
Planning for the Planet: Environmental Expertise and the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, 1960–1980
Schleper, Simone.
The State in the Forest: Contested Commons in the Nineteenth Century Venetian Alps
Bonan, Giacomo
Seeds of Power: Explorations in Ottoman Environmental History
İnal, Onur, and Yavuz Köse (eds.)
Vital Reenchantments: Biophilia, Gaia, Cosmos, and the Affectively Ecological
Greyson, Lauren
100 Atmospheres: Studies in Scale and Wonder
The MECO Network
West Germany and the Iron Curtain: Environment, Economy, and Culture in the Borderlands
Eckert, Astrid M.
Fire: A Brief History
Pyne, Stephen J.
Changes in the Air: Hurricanes in New Orleans from 1718 to the Present
Rohland, Eleonora.
Ice and Snow in the Cold War: Histories of Extreme Climatic Environments
Herzberg, Julia, Christian Kehrt, and Franziska Torma, eds.
Shadowing the Anthropocene: Eco-Realism for Turbulent Times
Ivakhiv, Adrian
Fire and Snow: Climate Fiction from the Inklings to Game of Thrones
DiPaolo, Marc
Managing Northern Europe's Forests: Histories from the Age of Improvement to the Age of Ecology
Oosthoek, K. Jan and Richard Hölzl, eds.
A Living Past: Environmental Histories of Modern Latin America
Soluri, John, Claudia Leal, and José Augusto Pádua, eds.
Das ökologische Auge: Landschaftsmalerei im Spiegel nachhaltiger Entwicklung
Heidenreich, Sybille