The Devil Operation
This film follows Father Marco, a priest who has earned a price on his head because of his opposition to Peru’s powerful mining companies.
This film follows Father Marco, a priest who has earned a price on his head because of his opposition to Peru’s powerful mining companies.
This film examines the situation of the Tuareg people, who live across borders and at risk from poverty, environmental disasters, and militant groups.
A chapter of the virtual exhibition “Beyond Doom and Gloom: An Exploration through Letters,” this letter presents a Jewish understanding of despair in relation to future adverse effects of climate change. The exhibition is curated by environmental educator Elin Kelsey.
Sideris addresses the challenge of achieving interdisciplinary dialogue to tackle the notion of humans as a geophysical force.
Wild Earth 9, no. 1 features essays on wilderness and spirituality. They center around two slogans: “Rewilding Ourselves” and “Rewilding the Land.”
This film examines the impact of creationism on US-American public education.
In Wild Earth 6, no. 3 Max Oelschlaeger discusses religion and the conservation of biodiversity, Christopher Genovali reflects on the Alberta oil rush, Joseph P. Dudley writes about biodiversity in Southern Africa, and A. Kent MacDougall considers thinking of humans as a cancer.
In his Encyclical Letter Laudato Si’ Pope Francis invokes all humans, believers and non-believers alike, to work together to save the earth from environmental degradation and create a fair and sustainable future for all.
Although medieval Scandinavian literary texts are heavily symbolic and thus cannot be used as reliable sources of information about environmental conditions of the past, they can shed valuable light on the ways premodern societies perceived and dealt with problems of scarcity and environmental change.
This book documents the burgeoning eco art movement from A to Z, presenting a panorama of artistic responses to environmental concerns.