“Weathered History: Galveston and Extreme Events”
In this Springs article, natural-resource and environmental-policy professor Thomas Princen explores three extreme weather events in the Houston-Galveston area, Texas.
In this Springs article, natural-resource and environmental-policy professor Thomas Princen explores three extreme weather events in the Houston-Galveston area, Texas.
In this episode from the New Books Network podcast, William Carruthers is interviewed on his recent book, Flooded Pasts: UNESCO, Nubia, and the Recolonization of Archaeology.
As Australian cities face uncertain water futures, what insights can the history of Aboriginal and settler relationships with water yield?
Astrida Neimanis on water. This is an entry in the KTH EHL VideoDictionary.
Excerpt from the anthology Place and Nature: Essays in Russian Environmental History.
Wilko Graf von Hardenberg percorre a ritroso i paesaggi della sua infanzia e riflette sulle politiche di gestione delle acque durante gli anni del regime fascista in Italia.