About this collection

The international journal Global Environment: A Journal of History and Natural and Social Sciences aims to act as a forum and echo chamber for ongoing investigations on the environment and world history, with special regard to the modern and contemporary periods. Its intent is to stimulate and gather studies and research that, in spite of a diversity of approaches and themes, share an environmental perspective on world history in its various facets, including economic development, social and production relations, government, and relations between peoples–and to thus overcome the limitations of a Western-centric historiography. (Text adapted from the journal’s homepage).

Showing 76–90 of 102 results
"Editorial" for Global Environment 2
Agnoletti, Mauro, and Gabriella Corona
"Economic Ideology about the Environment: From Adam Smith to Bjørn Lomborg"
Aage, Hans
"Energy Transition and CO<sub>2</sub> Emissions in Southern Europe: Italy and Spain (1861–2000)"
Bartoletto, Silvana, and Maria del Mar Rubio Varas
"The Impact of River Engineering Works on the Dyje River Floodplain in the Czech Republic"
Skokanova, Hana
"What is Global Environmental History?"
Corona, Gabriella, ed.
"The Loss of Territorial Efficiency: An Ecological Analysis of Land-Use Changes in Western Mediterranean Agriculture (Vallès County, Catalonia, 1853–2004)"
Marull, Joan, Joan Pino, and Enric Tello
"Editorial" for Global Environment 1
Agnoletti, Mauro, and Gabriella Corona
Review of Histoire du méchant loup [History of the big bad wolf] by Jean-Marc Moriceau
Frioux, Stephane
"The Effect of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict on the Water Resources of the Jordan River Basin"
Ferragina, Eugenia
"Isthmus in the World: Elements for an Environmental History of Panama"
Castro, Guillermo H.
"The Introduction of Historical and Cultural Values in the Sustainable Management of European Forests"
Agnoletti, Mauro, et al.
"Violent Landscape: Global Explosions and Lao Life-Worlds"
High, Holly
Review of Die GRÜNEN im Bundestag: Sitzungsprotokolle 1983–1987, edited by Josef Boyer and Helge Heidemeyer
Radkau, Joachim
"Controlling Nature and Transforming Landscapes in the Early Modern Caribbean"
Hollsten, Laura
Review of Situating Environmental History, edited by Ranjan Chakrabarti
Das, Debojyoti