About this collection

The international journal Global Environment: A Journal of History and Natural and Social Sciences aims to act as a forum and echo chamber for ongoing investigations on the environment and world history, with special regard to the modern and contemporary periods. Its intent is to stimulate and gather studies and research that, in spite of a diversity of approaches and themes, share an environmental perspective on world history in its various facets, including economic development, social and production relations, government, and relations between peoples–and to thus overcome the limitations of a Western-centric historiography. (Text adapted from the journal’s homepage).

Showing 1–15 of 102 results
“Environmental History’s Usable Past: On Reviving the Scholarship of Synthesis”
Palmblad, Jonatan
“Inequalities in the Land: Colonial Legacies and the Quest for Land Equity in Zimbabwe”
Mseba, Admire
“Representations, Traces, Vital Agents: Why Images Matter to Environmental History”
Dunaway, Finis
“What’s in a Name? More-Than-Human Approaches and Environmental History”
O’Gorman, Emily
“Mixed Methods, Dry Valleys, New Insights”
Chignell, Stephen
“Historicising Entanglements: Science, Technology and Socio-Ecological Change in the Postcolonial Anthropocene”
de Hoop, Evelien, Aarthi Sridhar, Claiton Marcio da Silva, and Erik van der Vleuten (eds.)
“Ecotone Scholarship and Structural Change”
Stunden Bower, Shannon
“Unequal Knowledge: Justice, Colonialism, and Expertise in Global Environmental Research”
San Martín, William
“Opening a Technical Field: Ecological Restoration, Local Knowledge and Citizen Science”
Dorondel, Stefan
“An Environmental History Perspective on the UN Agenda 2030 (‘Sustainable Development Goals’)”
Winiwarter, Verena
"Environment, Memory, and the Groundnut Scheme: Britain’s Largest Colonial Agricultural Development Project and Its Global Legacy"
Esselborn, Stefan
"Radiation and Borders: Chernobyl as a National and Transnational Site of Memory"
Kalmbach, Karena
"An Impure Nature: Memory and the Neo-Materialist Flip at America’s Biggest Toxic Superfund Site"
LeCain, Timothy James
"Fossilized Memory: The German-Russian Energy Partnership and the Production of Energo-political Knowledge"
Prochnow, Jeannette
"GAU: Nuclear Reactors and the 'Maximum Credible Accident'"
Radkau, Joachim