Isachenko, Grigory A. Review of Kulturnyi landshaft kak ob’ekt naslediya [Cultural Landscape as a Heritage Site], edited by Yuriy Vedenin, and Marina Kuleshova. Global Environment 2 (2008): 205–12.
[A]n important contribution to the multidisciplinary study of cultural landscapes. The book offers a broad overview of the cultural landscapes of Russia and some other countries, demonstrates the continuity of cultural landscapes in modern times, and advocates a sophisticated approach to the conservation of natural and cultural heritage, which is threatened today by the speed of social and economic changes. — Grigory A. Isachenko
For the complete review please follow the link to The White Horse Press or click the Download PDF button below.
ll rights reserved. Made available on the Environment & Society Portal for nonprofit educational purposes only, courtesy of Gabriella Corona, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche / National Research Council of Italy (CNR), and XL edizioni s.a.s.
- Vedenin, Yuriy, and Marina Kuleshova, eds. Kulturnyi landshaft kak ob’ekt naslediya [Cultural landscape as a heritage site]. Moscow: Dmitriy Bulanin, 2004.