The Land Is Our Community: Aldo Leopold’s Environmental Ethic for the New Millennium
A book on the relevance of the the land ethic of Aldo Leopold.
A book on the relevance of the the land ethic of Aldo Leopold.
Full text of Rachel Carson Center director Christof Mauch’s Paradise Blues: Travels Through American Environmental History.
In this book, Mark Luccarelli pushes past unproductive mind/body debates by rooting the rise of environmental awareness in the political and geographical history of the US.
Interactive story map by Paolo Gruppuso on urban ecologies in Latina, Italy.
In this Springs article, historian Melanie Arndt examines how the foundations for production, perception, and consumption of heating were laid at the turn of the twentieth century.
In this Springs article, natural-resource and environmental-policy professor Thomas Princen explores three extreme weather events in the Houston-Galveston area, Texas.
In this Springs article, environmental historian Shen Hou considers the shore lives of both Qingdao and Los Angeles.
In this episode from the New Books Network podcast, Malcolm Harris is interviewed on his recent book, Palo Alto: A History of California, Capitalism, and the World.
In this episode from the New Books Network podcast, Matthew Gandy is interviewed on his recent book, Natura Urbana: Ecological Constellations in Urban Space .
As Australian cities face uncertain water futures, what insights can the history of Aboriginal and settler relationships with water yield?