Excerpt from Eco-Theology: Essays in Honor of Sigurd Bergmann. Professor Sigurd Bergmann is a former fellow at the Rachel Carson Center.
Full article by former RCC fellow Dominic Hinde.
Excerpt from Bénédicte Boisseron’s book Afro-Dog: Blackness and the Animal Question.
Excerpt from Vital Decomposition: Soil Practitioners and Life Politics by Kristina Lyons.
Excerpt from The Desert in Modern Literature and Philosophy by Aidan Tynan.
Excerpt from RCC fellow Jemma Deer’s monograph Radical Animism: Reading for the End of the World.
Extract from Nina Munteanu’s Water is…—a book on the meaning of water.
Iovino, Serenella. “Posthumanism in Literature and Ecocriticism.” Relations. Beyond Anthropocentrism 4, no. 1 (2016): 11–20.
“Where does the posthuman dwell? At what address? And in what type of house?”