
Coal: A Human History

Barbara Freese takes us on a rich historical journey that begins hundreds of millions of years ago and spans the globe. Coal is a captivating narrative about an ordinary substance with an extraordinary impact on human civilization.

The Philippine Mining Act of 1995

The Philippine Mining Act, a pro-mining piece of legislation providing heavy incentives to foreign companies, is signed into law on 3 March 1995. It stirs extensive court battles between the government and anti-mining indigenous people.


Earth First! Journal 18, no. 7

In this issue of Earth First! Journal James A. Barnes and Craig Beneville report about an assembly of anti-environmentalists on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. In addition, John Hallam gives an update on the protests against the Jabiluka mine in Australia, and Errol Schweizer contributes a piece on “Radical Ecology from the Urban Jungle.”