"Cultivating Carrots and Community: Local Organic Food and Sustainable Consumption"
This paper examines the social implications of sustainable consumption through an empirical study of a local organic food initiative.
This paper examines the social implications of sustainable consumption through an empirical study of a local organic food initiative.
In this paper, Birgitte Nerlich and Nick Wright analyze the interaction between policy and ritual during the foot and mouth crisis in the UK.
Barbara Adam explores the temporal dimension of risks associated with the production, trade, and consumption of food.
In his article, Alastair Iles analyzes how consumers, farmers, activists, industry, and policy-makers in the United States and Europe are building agency in making and using food miles.
Peter Alward examines a naive argument against moral vegetarianism.
This article looks at the energy investment that goes into the provision of nutrients and into habitat improvement for the subterranean workforce of earthworms on which agriculture depends.
This essay explores connections between energy regime changes and nutrition, as well as the impact of such changes on nutritional knowledge and food policies in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
Enjoy your Meal! tracks down the origin of a meal prepared by renowned chefs.
Raising Resistance tells the story of Paraguay’s small-scale farmers resistance against genetic soy enterprises.
The Real Dirt on Farmer John is the story of an Americal traditional family farm turned organic agricultural enterprise.