In this special section on affective ecologies, Julia Hobson Haggerty, Elizabeth Lynne Rink, Robert McAnally, and Elizabeth Bird study the restoration of bison/buffalo by the Sioux and Assiniboine tribes to their reservation in Montana in the United States. They argue that ecological restoration can promote and facilitate emergent and dynamic processes of reconnection at the scale of individuals, across species and within communities.
In this article, Monica Vasile discusses the recent reintroduction of bison in the Romanian Carpathians, and the surrounding local narratives and unresolved tensions.
American Bison flourished on the Great Plains of the United States before westward expansion and the practice of widespread hunting challenged the survival of the animal. Policies in the early 20th century barely saved the wild bison populations.
In this Earth First! Journal’s editorial Craig Beneville contributes his thoughts on politics, law, and how environmental movements should move forward. In addition, Rod Coronado writes an open letter with the headline: “Spread Your Love Through Action,” and James Barnes discusses the Bison Management Plan.
A graphic novel for children inspired by the disappearance from Białowieża Primeval Forest of the wild European bison.
This book is the first to identify the population of each known species in the United States.