In 1932, the Soviet Union dictator Joseph Stalin enacts policies in Ukraine that seek to decimate nationalist aspirations for independence and force collectivization on the peasantry. These measures amplified into a grand famine and led to the death of an estimated 3.5 million people.
This article looks at biodiversity in the Chernobyl Zone of Alienation. This essay argues that these processes of simplification were related—that mono-cropped populations of the thirties and forties led to genetically and biologically depleted flora and fauna in the twenty-first century.
The concept of biocultural diversity was introduced by ethnobiologists to argue that the variation within ecological systems is inextricably linked to cultural and linguistic differences. In this volume of RCC Perspectives, scholars from a wide range of fields reflect on the definition, impact, and possible vulnerabilities of the concept.
David Moon talks about his visit to the Ukrainian steppes.