"The Attitude of Kautilya to Aranya"
The Kautiliya Arthasastra is a famous treatise on state-craft which within its state policies includes ecological concerns…
The Kautiliya Arthasastra is a famous treatise on state-craft which within its state policies includes ecological concerns…
Professional German foresters played an important role in shaping the course of forest management in India during the last century. It is to Sir Dietrich Brandis that the credit for the introduction of scientific methods of management is given…
A report by the Ministry of Environment and Forests, India, on securing a future for Gajah (the elephant) in India, its continued survival in the wild and its humane care in captivity.
The Act is the first British legislation to encompass all of India’s forests and waterways.
The passage of the first forest regulations in India under British rule leads to the establishment of the Imperial Forest Service.
Vasco da Gama’s journey establishes a sea route between Europe and India.
The outbreak of the Spanish Influenza kills more than twelve million people in India.
The Act is passed by the British colonial government in 1894 to facilitate the acquisition of land from certain Indian peasants in exchange for cash.