About this collection

Environmental Values is an international peer-reviewed journal that brings together contributions from philosophy, economics, politics, sociology, geography, anthropology, ecology and other disciplines relating to the present and future environment of human beings and other species. The journal was established in 1992 and aims to clarify the relationship between practical policy issues and more fundamental underlying principles or assumptions. It is published by White Horse Press. (Text adapted from the journal’s homepage).

The Environment & Society Portal collection offers a growing, broad range of the digitally available journal articles.

Showing 136–150 of 373 results
"The Precautionary Principle and the Concept of Precaution"
Sandin, Per
"Concepts of Nature as Communicative Devices: The Case of Dutch Nature Policy"
Keulartz, Jozef, Henny van der Windt, and Jacques Swart
"Towards an Adequate Environmental Virtue Ethic"
Sandler, Ronald
"Nature as a You: Novalis' Philosophical Thought and the Modern Ecological Crisis"
Becker, Christian, and Reiner Manstetten
"'Getting Rich Is Glorious': Environmental Values in the People's Republic of China"
Harris, Paul G.
"Ontological Politics: Mapping a Complex Environmental Problem"
Carolan, Michael S.
"When 'The Environment' Comes To Visit: Local Environmental Knowledge in the Far North of Russia"
Karjalainen, Timo Pauli, and Joachim Otto Habeck
"Climate Change, Economic Analysis and Sustainable Development"
Padilla, Emilio
"The Role of Views of Nature in Dutch Nature Conservation: The Case of the Creation of a Drift Sand Area in the Hoge Veluwe National Park"
Turnhout, Esther, Matthijs Hisschemüller, and Herman Eijsackers
"Ideology, Bureaucracy and Aesthetics: Landscape Change and Land Reform in Northwest Scotland"
Rohde, Rick
"Themes in Latin American Environmental Ethics: Community, Resistance and Autonomy"
Heyd, Thomas
"Sustainability and the 'Struggle for Existence': The Critical Role of Metaphor in Society's Metabolism"
Jackson, Tim
"Aquaphobia, Tulipmania, Biophilia: A Moral Geography of the Dutch Landscape"
Zwart, Hub
"Artefacts and Living Artefacts"
Siipi, Helena
"What Does 'Natural Capital' Do? The Role of Metaphor in Economic Understanding of the Environment"
Akerman, Maria