About this collection

Environmental Values is an international peer-reviewed journal that brings together contributions from philosophy, economics, politics, sociology, geography, anthropology, ecology and other disciplines relating to the present and future environment of human beings and other species. The journal was established in 1992 and aims to clarify the relationship between practical policy issues and more fundamental underlying principles or assumptions. It is published by White Horse Press. (Text adapted from the journal’s homepage).

The Environment & Society Portal collection offers a growing, broad range of the digitally available journal articles.

Showing 151–165 of 373 results
"Re-Negotiating Science in Environmentalists' Submissions to New Zealand's Royal Commission on Genetic Modification"
Rogers-Hayden, Tee, and John R. Campbell
"Uncertainty and Participatory Democracy"
Pellizzoni, Luigi
"In Truth We Trust: Discourse, Phenomenology, and the Social Relations of Knowledge in an Environmental Dispute"
Carolan, Michael S., and Michael M. Bell
Yearley, Steve, Steve Cinderby, John Forrester, Peter Bailey, and Paul Rosen, "Participatory Modelling and the Local Governance of the Politics of UK Air Pollution: A Three-City Case Study"
Yearley, Steve, Steve Cinderby, John Forrester, Peter Bailey, and Paul Rosen
Johnson, Baylor L., "Ethical Obligations in a Tragedy of the Commons"
Johnson, Baylor L.
"Intrinsic Value: A Modern Albatross for the Ecological Approach"
Morito, Bruce
"Re-Thinking Nature: Towards an Eco-Pluralism"
Curry, Patrick
"Aesthetic Appreciation in the Artworld and in the Natural World"
Fenner, David E.W.
"What's In a Name? Pragmatism, Essentialism, and Environmental Ethics"
Michael, Mark A.
"The Role of NGOs in Environmental Policy Failures in a Developing Country: The Mismanagement of Jamaica's Coral Reefs"
Haley, Michael, and Anthony Clayton
"Integrating Multiple Knowledge Systems into Environmental Decision-Making: Two Case Studies of Participatory Biodiversity Initiatives in Canada and Their Implications for Conceptions"
Kelsey, Elin
"Values, Advocacy and Conservation Biology"
Odenbaugh, Jay
"Talking about the Birds and the Bees: Biodiversity Claims Making at the Local Level"
Morris, Carol, and Amanda Wragg
"Is Singer's Ethics Speciesist?"
Fjellstrom, Roger
"Artefacts and Living Artefacts"
Siipi, Helena