

"Deep Time and Disaster: Black Saturday and the Forgotten Past"

Christine Hansen uses the concept of deep time to challenge the idea that never-before-witnessed events are unprecedented. Using the case of a massive firestorm in 2009 in southeast Australia, she calls into question the shallow temporal frames through which deep time environmental phenomena are understood in Australian settler culture and offers an insight into often unnoticed ways in which contemporary society struggles with the colonial legacy.

A Walk Through the Ruins (India)

A Walk Through the Ruins (India)

In this chapter from the virtual exhibition “Global Environments: A 360º Visual Journey,” Vikas Lakhani’s 360° video takes the viewer on a walk through the villages of Vondh and Adhoi, in the Kutch region of Gujarat that was devastated by a 7.7 Mw earthquake on 26 January 2001. It explores the traditional housing the meaning of development in the region where the ruins of these villages stand as memorials and symbols of failed government relocation policies.

Copyright Information

Copyright Information

“‘Commanding, sovereign stream’: The Neva and the Viennese Danube in the History of Imperial Metropolitan Centers” was created by Gertrud Haidvogl, Alexei Kraikovski, and Julia Lajus (2019) under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. This refers only to the text and does not include image rights. Please click on an image to view its individual rights status. Thumbnails of the following images appear on the exhibition landing page:

Out of the Mountains: Changing Landscapes in Rural China

About this issue

Zhen Wang’s photo essay explores in detail how nearly 40 years of urbanization and rapid economic development have transformed the past, present, and future of the Yi population and of China’s rural and cultural landscapes.
