Released almost 30 years later, this documentary examines events surrounding the major industrial accident at the trichlorphen plant ICMESA, near Seveso (“Seveso chemical disaster”).
Released almost 30 years later, this documentary examines events surrounding the major industrial accident at the trichlorphen plant ICMESA, near Seveso (“Seveso chemical disaster”).
This exploration of the deepening crisis of food security in India looks at four case studies, dealing respectively with Punjab, Warangal, Kalahandi, and Bellary. These are interspersed by insights into a movement in the Himalayas that may offer alternatives in the form of sustainable agricultural systems, which revive traditional agricultural practices (Beej Bachao Andolan).
The documentary contrasts the results of using genetically-modified crops purchased from multinational agrochemical corporations with the maintenance of community seedbanks and biodiversity.
Ostwald is seen as one of the founders of physical chemistry.
This film investigates the hidden costs of smart and affordable clothes.
In Toxic Bodies Langston tells us of the synthetic estrogen diethylstilbestrol (DES), a hormone disruptor that doctors prescribed to pregnant women for decades in the mid-twentieth century.
Wood scarcity at Lovers Alum Works (LAW) restricted the amount of alum produced during a large part of the period of activity (1723–1810s). During the shale fuel period (1810s–1877) the emissions of volatile substances such as cadmium and sulfur increased.