
"Watershed Encounters"

The author works on the notion of “watershed encounter” as a diverging point in history to analyze which watershed encounters shaped the Chesapeake Bay region. He argues that current restoration efforts, far from solving the current issues, only exacerbate them.

Forests and Deforestation

Forests and Deforestation

In this chapter of her virtual exhibition “Human-Nature Relations in German Literature,” Sabine Wilke examines forests and deforestation in works by Adalbert Stifter, Marlen Haushofer, and Elfriede Jelinek. For the German-language version of this exhibition, click here.

Transformation of Landscapes

Transformation of Landscapes

In this chapter of her virtual exhibition “Human-Nature Relations in German Literature,” Sabine Wilke discusses texts that register transformations of landscapes or take a position on their causes. For the German-language version of this exhibition, click here.

Wälder und Entwaldung

Wälder und Entwaldung

In this chapter of the German-language version of her virtual exhibition, “Mensch und Natur in der deutschen Literatur (Human-Nature Relations in German Literature),” Sabine Wilke examines forests and deforestation in works by Adalbert Stifter, Marlen Haushofer, and Elfriede Jelinek. For the English-language version of this exhibition, click here.



In this chapter of the German-language version of her virtual exhibition “Mensch und Natur in der deutschen Literatur (Human-Nature Relations in German Literature),” Sabine Wilke discusses texts that register transformations of landscapes or take a position on their causes. For the English-language version of this exhibition, click here.

Out of the Mountains: Changing Landscapes in Rural China

About this issue

Zhen Wang’s photo essay explores in detail how nearly 40 years of urbanization and rapid economic development have transformed the past, present, and future of the Yi population and of China’s rural and cultural landscapes.
