

My Mother, Oak

This film tells the stories of displaced people and livelihood changes in Iran after the construction of the Karun-3 Dam which submerged 12,300 acres of valuable forest with water.

"Zimbabwe’s Chinhoyi Caves: 1845-1945"

This study historicises environmental issues at the Chinhoyi Caves that are of contemporaneous resonance with the ecological crisis faced by the modern world. It deals with important themes like water-resource management, indigenous knowledge and its efficacy in the preservation of nature, colonialism and its environmental implications, forest use and deforestation, dislocation and displacement of indigenous people, and the interaction of the local with the global.

"Looking Back to Move Forward: Using History to Understand the Consensual Forest Management Model in the Terai, Nepal"

This paper attempts to explore the historic impacts of forest politics and policy on social equity and ecology in Nepal’s Terai region. It is suggested that past forest politics and policies may continue to influence the forest bureaucracy in Nepal and, hence, shape present-day forest management in the Terai.

"'All That Country Will Be Taken Up by the Thrifty Settler': Migration, Environment, and the Cutover Lands of Minnesota, USA from the 1890s to the 1930s"

This case study of deforested land in northern Minnesota, transformed by the lumber industry during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, shows how differently institutions and individuals can think about climate and ecology when examining the connection between migration and climate.

Easter Island’s Collapse

The remote Easter Island was settled around 900 by Polynesians who built hundreds of giant stone statues and completely deforested the island before their society underwent a dramatic collapse. Although controversy exists regarding the exact cause of this collapse, the story of Easter Island has unsettling parallels with modern resource issues.
