Peled, Micha. Bitter Seeds. San Francisco: Teddy Bear Films, 2011. 35 mm, 88 min.
Bitter Seeds explores the future of how we grow things, weighing in on the worldwide debate over the changes created by industrial agriculture. Companies like the US-based Monsanto claim that their genetically modified (GM) seeds offer the most effective solution to feeding the world’s growing population, but on the ground, many small-scale farmers are losing their land. Nowhere is the situation more desperate than in India, where an epidemic of farmer suicides has claimed over a quarter million lives. Every 30 minutes one farmer in India, deep in debt and unable to provide for his family, commits suicide. Bitter Seeds features compelling characters to tell a deeply moving story at the heart of the worldwide controversy on the future of farming. (Source: Teddy Bear Films)
© 2011 Teddy Bear Films. Trailer used with permission.
This film is available at the Rachel Carson Center Library (RCC, 4th floor, Leopoldstrasse 11a, 80802 Munich) for on-site viewing only. For more information, please contact
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