Further reading
Ludwig Leichhardt’s egodocuments
Marcel Aurousseau, ed. and trans. The letters of F. W. Ludwig Leichhardt. London: published for the Hakluyt Society by Cambridge University Press, 1968.
Darragh, Tom, and Rod Fensham, ed. The Leichhardt Diaries: Early Travels in Australia during 1842-1844. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum Vol. 7. South Brisbane: Queensland Museum, 2013.
Leichhardt, Ludwig. Journal of an Overland Expedition in Australia, from Moreton Bay to Port Essington, a Distance of Upwards of 3000 Miles, during the Years 1844–1845. London: Boone, 1847.
———. Tagebuch einer Landreise in Australien von Moreton-Bay nach Port Essington während der Jahre 1844 und 1845. Translated by Ernst A. Zuchold. Halle: Schmidt, 1851.
———. “Beiträge zur Geologie von Australien.” Edited by Heinrich Girard. Abhandlung der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Halle 3 (1855): 1–62.
Ludwig Leichhardt collection, 1832-1846, with associated papers to 1931. State Library of New South Wales, Mitchell Library.
National Centre of Biography, ed. Leichhardt Expedition from Moreton Bay to Port Essington, 1844–1845. Canberra: Australian National University, 2006–2016.
Sources and biographies
Bailey, John. Into the Unknown: The Tormented Life and Expeditions of Ludwig Leichhardt. Sydney: Pan Macmillan Australia, 2011.
Beiträge und Studien zur Erforschung und Erschließung Australiens unter besonderer Würdigung Ludwig Leichhardts und weiterer deutscher Wissenschaftler. Proceedings of the Geographische Gesellschaft der DDR and Nationales Komitee für Geographie und Kartographie der DDR, Chossewitz: Vorbereitungskomitee im Auftrag der Geographischen Gesellschaft der DDR, 1988.
Bunce, Daniel. Australasiatic Reminiscences of Twenty-Three Years’ Wanderings in Tasmania and the Australias including Travels with Dr. Leichhardt in North or Tropical Australia. Melbourne: J. T. Hendry, 1857.
Chisholm, Alec H. Strange New World: The Adventures of John Gilbert and Ludwig Leichhardt. Sydney: Angus and Robertson, 1941.
Cotton, Catherine Drummond. Ludwig Leichhardt and the Great South Land. Sydney: Angus and Robertson, 1938.
Erdos, Renee. “Leichhardt, Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig (1813–1848).” Australian Dictionary of Biography, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University, 1967.
Favenc, Ernest. The History of Australian Exploration from 1788 to 1888. Compiled from state documents, private papers and the most authentic sources of information. Issued under the auspices of the governments of the Australian colonies. Sydney: Turner and Henderson, 1888.
Finger, Hans Wilhelm. Leichhardt: Die ganze Geschichte von F. W. Ludwig Leichhardt; Träumer, Forscher und Entdeckungsreisender in Australien. Göttingen: Niedersächsische Staats- und Landesbibliothek, 1999.
Gellert, Johannes F. “Der Australienforscher Ludwig Leichhardt (1813–1848) als Geologe.” Zeitschrift für geologisches Wissen 9 (1981): 581–5.
Gilbert, John. “Diary of the Port Essington Expedition, 18 September 1844–28 June 1845.” Unpublished draft, State Library of New South Wales, Mitchell Library, A 2586 and A 2587 with transcript.
Haufe, Heinz. Entdeckungsreisen in Australien: Ludwig Leichhardt; Ein deutsches Forscherschicksal. Berlin: Verlag der Nation, 1972.
Holz, Paul. “Der Australienforscher Ludwig Leichhardt und seine märkische Heimat.” Jahrbuch für brandenburgische Landesgeschichte 24 (1973), 7–24.
Mann, John F. Eight Months with Dr. Leichhardt, in the Years 1846–47. Sydney: Turner and Henderson, 1888.
Neumayer, Georg von, and Otto Leichhardt, ed. Dr. Ludwig Leichhardt’s Briefe an seine Angehörigen. Hamburg: Friederichsen, 1881.
Politzer, L. L., ed. Dr. Ludwig Leichhardt’s Letters from Australia, during the Years March 23, 1842, to April 3, 1848. Melbourne: Pan Publishers, 1944.
Roderick, Colin. Leichhardt the Dauntless Explorer. North Ryde, N.S.W.: Angus and Robertson, 1988.
Sprod, Dan. Leichhardt’s Expeditioners: In the Australian Wilderness 1844–1845. Hobart: Blubber Head Press, 2006.
———. Proud Intrepid Heart: Leichhardt’s First Attempt to the Swan River 1846–1847. Hobart: Blubber Head Press, 1989.
Webster, Elsie May. Whirlwinds in the Plain: Ludwig Leichhardt—Friends, Foes and History. Carlton: Melbourne University Press, 1980.
Zuchold, Ernst Amandus. Dr. Ludwig Leichhardt: Eine biographische Skizze. Leipzig: published by the author, 1856.
Fictional works
Favenc, Ernest. The Secret of the Australian Desert. London: Blackie, 1896.
Nathan, Isaac, and Lynd, Robert. “Leichhardt’s Grave: An Elegiac Ode.” Sydney: Hibernian Press; London: Faulkner, 1845.
White, Patrick. Voss. London: Eyre and Spottiswoode,1957.
Recent research on Ludwig Leichhardt and the historical context
Bayerl, Günter, and Tim S. Müller, ed. Ludwig Leichhardt (1813–1848), die Niederlausitz und Australien: Zum 200. Geburtstag des Natur- und Australienforschers. Münster: Waxmann, 2013.
Dowe, John Leslie. “Ludwig Leichhardt’s Australian Plant Collections 1842–1847.” Austrobaileya 7 (2005): 151–63.
Fallding, Martin, and Doug Benson. “Adventures, Hardship and a Scientific Legacy: Ludwig Leichhardt’s 1843 Journey to Mt Royal in the Hunter Valley, NSW.” Cunninghamia 13 (2013): 305–30.
Fensham, R. J., A. R. Bean, J. L. Dowe, and C. R. Dunlop. “‘This Disastrous Event Staggered Me’: Reconstructing the Botany of Ludwig Leichhardt on the Expedition from Moreton Bay to Port Essington 1844–45.” Cunninghamia 9 (2006): 451–506.
Fensham, Rod. “Leichhardt’s Maps: 100 Years of Change in Vegetation Structure in Inland Queensland.” Journal of Biogeography 35 (2008): 141–156.
Fisher, Clemency. “A Man of Great Zeal and Assiduity: The Pioneering Naturalist John Gilbert in Australia, 1838–1845.” In Contributions to the History of Australasian Ornithology, edited by William E. Davis Jr., Harry F. Recher, Walter E. Boles, and Jerome A. Jackson, 1–119. Cambridge, MA: Nuttall Ornithological Club, 2008.
Fox, Karen, and Christine Fernon. “Exploring an Unknown Continent.” ANU Feature Stories 46, no. 1 (2016).
Hartmann, Heike, ed. Ludwig Leichhardt: Spuren eines Verschollenen. Berlin: Bebra, 2013.
Home, Rod W. “Science as a German Export to Nineteenth Century Australia.” Working Papers in Australian Studies 104 (1995).
Hurley, Andrew W. “Son of the Soil, Proto-socialist or Free Spirit? Heinz Haufe’s Entdeckungsreisen in Australien and the Rehabilitation of Ludwig Leichhardt in East Germany.” Limbus: Australian Yearbook of German Literary and Cultural Studies 6 (2013): 209–24.
Leichhardt, Ludwig R. H., ed. Einblick in den Schriftwechsel des Australienforschers Ludwig Leichhardt. Schweinfurt: Wiesenburg, 2012.
Lewis, Darrell. “The Fate of Leichhardt.” Historical Records of Australian Science 17 (2006): 1–30.
Lewis, Darrell. Where is Leichhardt? The Greatest Mystery. Melbourne: Monash University Publishing, 2013.
“Ludwig Leichhardt Series.” Transcripts and audio files of the symposium “Leichhardt: The Man, the Mystery, the Science, the History,” National Museum of Australia, Canberra 2007.
Martin, Richard James. “‘Reading’ the Landsborough, Leichhardt and Gregory Explorer Trees of Northern Australia.” Cultural Studies and Anthropology 19 (2013): 216–36.
Martin, Susan K. “Dead White Male Heroes: Ludwig Leichhardt and Ned Kelly in Australian Fiction.” In Imagining Australia: Literature and Culture in the New New World, edited by Judith Ryan and Chris Wallace-Crabbe, 23–52. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2004.
Marx, Bernd. Ludwig Leichhardt: Sohn der Niederlausitz. Trebatsch: Gesellschaft Ludwig Leichhardt e. V. 2003.
McLaren, Glen. Beyond Leichhardt: Bushcraft and the Exploration of Australia. South Fremantle: Fremantle Arts Centre Press, 1996.
Morphy, Howard, and Francis Morphy. “The Spirit of the Plains Kangaroo.” In Words for Country: Landscape and Language in Australia, edited by Tim Bonyhady and Tom Griffiths, 102–123. Sydney: University of New South Wales Press, 2002.
Nicholls, Angus. “‘The Core of this Dark Continent’: Ludwig Leichhardt’s Australian Explorations.” In Transnational Networks: German Migrants in the British Empire, 1670–1914, edited by John R. Davis, Stefan Manz, and Margrit Schulte Beerbühl, 141–161. Leiden: Brill, 2012.
Nicholls, Glenn. “Exploration and Immigration: How Intercultural Interpretations are Changing the History of Ludwig Leichhardt.” Journal of Intercultural Studies 21 (2000): 25–37.
Ryan, Simon. “Ludwig Leichhardt: Australia’s Missing Penis.” In The Body in the Library, edited by Leigh Dale and Simon Ryan, 237–47. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1998.
Stephens, Matthew. “From Lost Property to Explorer’s Relics: The Rediscovery of the Personal Library of Ludwig Leichhardt.” Historical Records of Australian Science 18 (2007): 191–227.
Striegler, Rolf, Steffen Krestin, Konrad Grunert, and Wolf-Dieter Heym, ed. “Ludwig Leichhardt.” Special issue, Natur und Landschaft in der Niederlausitz 19 (1998).
Additional literature referenced in this exhibition
Brandl, E. J. Australian Aboriginal Paintings in Western and Central Arnhem Land: Temporal Sequences and Elements of Style in Cadell River and Deaf Adder Creek Art. Canberra: Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies, 1973.
Chaloupka, George. Journey in Time: the World’s Longest Continuing Art Tradition; the 50,000-year Story of the Australian Aboriginal Rock art of Arnhem Land. Chatswood: Reed, 1993.
Haebich, Anne. “Assimilating the Bunya Forests.” In Araucarian Forests, edited by John Dargavel, 27–32. Kingston: Australian Forest History Society, 2005.
Lawrence, David Russell. Kakadu: The Making of a National Park. Carlton: Melbourne University Press, 2000.
McKay, Belinda, and Patrick Buckridge. “Literary Imaginings of the Bunya.” Queensland Review 9, no. 2 (2002): 65–79.
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