Mountain Battery: The Alps, Water, and Power in the Fossil Age
In this book, Marc Landry shows how dam-building in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries transformed the Alps into Europe’s battery.
In this book, Marc Landry shows how dam-building in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries transformed the Alps into Europe’s battery.
The Azorean archipelago is a lesson not only in geography and geology but also in cooking stew.
This documentary tells the story of the porters in the Eastern Himalayas.
Primer capítulo de la exposición virtual de Ricardo Rozzi et al., De lupas a telescopios: Explorando el microcosmos y el macrocosmos en los laboratorios bioculturales de Chile.
A monograph on the history of sacred mountains on a global scale since 1500.
First chapter of Ricardo Rozzi et al.’s virtual exhibition, From Hand Lenses to Telescopes: Exploring the Microcosm and Macrocosm in Chile’s Biocultural Laboratories.