An examination of the role played by Chinese immigration to New Zealand and Australia in the understanding of the environment.
Mobility and Migration in Indigenous Amazonia challenges the idea of indigenous knowledge and cultures as static,and explores multiple facets of ethnoecology and mobility in Amazonia and beyond.
Conservation and Mobile Indigenous Peoples presents case studies on the effects of modern conservation projects on local and indigenous populations across the world, and highlights lessons to be learnt for sustainable development.
This film is the filmmaker’s whimsically reconstructed story of his francophone grandparents and their dramatic personal lives in a remote Canadian northwoods logging camp.
Fei Sheng analyzes the ecological factors in China that spurred migration to Australia at a time when the discovery of gold as a natural resource made the country an ideal migration destination. He shows how Chinese migrants applied their environmental experience in a white settler colony.
This case study of deforested land in northern Minnesota, transformed by the lumber industry during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, shows how differently institutions and individuals can think about climate and ecology when examining the connection between migration and climate.