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Constant protesting leads to a recall of the Victoria government’s plans.

One of the largest fire disasters in Australian history, the 1939 bushfires devastate large parts of Victoria.

Greece’s first national park, at Mount Olympus, the country’s highest mountain, is declared in 1938.

Sir Albert Howard, one of the pioneers of organic agriculture, publishes his work An Agricultural Testament.

With the construction of the multipurpose Hirakud Dam across the River Mahanadi in India, multipupose river valley projects emerge in India.

The American forestry scientist and wildlife researcher Aldo Leopold publishes his book A Sand County Almanac.

Charles Darwin describes the evolution of the species through natural selection.

At the Gothenburg Summit in 2001, the European Council agreed upon a sustainability strategy for the European Union.

On 1 January 1970, US President Nixon signs the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).

Union Internationale des Architectes meets in 1993, paving the way for sustainable construction.