(Under) Grounding Italian Colonialism: Practices of Historical Displacement
Roberta Biasillo traces Italy’s colonial engagements in Africa through a reflection sources uncovered in the Italian archives.
Roberta Biasillo traces Italy’s colonial engagements in Africa through a reflection sources uncovered in the Italian archives.
Roberta Biasillo propone alcuni spunti di riflessione sul colonialismo italiano in Africa a partire da fotografie e oggetti conservati negli archivi italiani.
Historical documents indicate that the disasters caused by mining in Brazil are a reality since the eighteenth century.
This article discusses controversy over drainage tunnels in a Welsh lead mining region in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
In this episode from the New Books Network podcast, Rocio Gomez is interviewed on her book, Silver Veins, Dusty Lungs: Mining, Water, and Public Health in Zacatecas, 1835–1946.
Underground mining on South Africa’s Rand transformed the air.
An enduring legacy of the antinuclear movement is its construction of a narrative connecting human survival to nature’s beneficence.
This article explores the history and effects of the (hydro)electrification of the Ashio Copper Mine.
In contrast to today’s environmental concerns, the first deep-sea-mining environmental impact assessment, undertaken in the early 1970s, focused on the potential positive side effects.
Emmanuelle Roth and Gregg Mitman write about how capitalism fragments nature to create value. Such fragments can precipitate biodiversity loss.