Die Biosprit-Lüge [The Biofuel Myth]
A sobering contribution to the food versus fuel debate and an equally poignant exposé of the human and environmental impacts of European policy on biofuels.
A sobering contribution to the food versus fuel debate and an equally poignant exposé of the human and environmental impacts of European policy on biofuels.
Environmental historian Federico Paolini talks to Wolfgang Sachs, head of the Berlin office of the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment, and Energy, about some of today’s major environmental issues. These range from ecological justice to resources, development, and climate.
State of the World 2006 provides a special focus on China and India and their impact on the world as major consumers of resources and polluters of local and global ecosystems.
Energy-from-waste plants in places like Britain were designed help reduce waste and carbon emissions, but they have had unintended side-effects.
This joint presentation by Varro Laszlo and Stefan Pfenninger for the ESC Symposium 2017: Global Energy Challenge provides a framework to understand the economics behind energy consumption in the past, present, and future.
This volume of Perspectives offers case studies of energy transitions within everyday environments over the last two centuries, from Europe to South Asia, to North and Latin America.
Jennifer Carlson examines the material and social dimensions of contemporary energy transitions in the village of Dobbe in the East Frisian Peninsula.
Jennifer Baka looks at energy cultivation and energy security in India through an analysis of two energy development programs.
The authors illuminate the power relations between state actors and the local people in accessing fuelwood in Zimbabwe, and how discourses of scarcity enhance these power dynamics.