Plant This Movie
This film examines a vibrant urban farming movement that is catching on across the globe.
This film examines a vibrant urban farming movement that is catching on across the globe.
This film explores how various communities around the world are transitioning to a more sustainable and local way of life.
During the fall of the Soviet Union, a depleted Cuba implements various measures—including sustainable and environmentally sound practices—to avoid devastation.
Sherry Johnson, Carson Fellow from January 2010 until July 2010, talks about her research on the history of disasters and climatology and the related environmental, social, and political changes.
A review of the revised English translation, published 2008, of the prize-winning Spanish original De bosque a sabana: azúcar, deforestación y medio ambiente en Cuba, 1492–1926 (2004).
After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, oil imports in Cuba were halved and food imports reduced by up to 80 percent. This film suggests that, given the perceived immanence of peak oil, there is much to be learned from the Cuban experience.
The authors identify two distinct forms of masculinity, Australian and Cuban, and proceed to show how men and their rhetoric are overtaken, then transformed, by political and environmental developments not of their choosing.