With “Changing Course,” the Business Council for Sustainable Development (BCSD), which was created in advance of the Earth Summit in Rio, agreed on a strategy to familiarize businesses worldwide with the concept of sustainable development and to encourage sustainable development projects. The BCSD’s goal was to formulate future development strategies that give equal consideration to economic, ecologic, and societal goals. In 1995, the World Industry Council for the Environment (WICE) and BCSD merged to form the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). The council now counts more than 160 international businesses as members.
Further Readings:
- Najam, Adil. “World Business Council for Sustainable Development: The Greening of Business or a Greenwash?” In Yearbook of International Co-operation on Environment and Development 1999/2000, edited by Helge Ole Bergesen, Georg Parmann, and Øystein B. Thommessen, 65–75. London: Earthscan, 1999. View PDF.
- Schmidheiny, Stephan. Changing Course: A Global Business Perspective on Development and Environment. With the Business Council for Sustainable Development. Boston, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1992.