
ALARM no. 12

This issue of the ALARM is produced by women only. It is dedicated to the struggle to smash down patriarchy and save the planet, expresses solidarity with activists struggling against capitalist-patriarchal devastation as womyn, and “affirms our existence and our power on the front lines of the resistance.” Aimee Mostwill discusses pregnancy, abortion, and overpopulation; Judi Bari explains “why I am not a misanthrope.”

Live Wild or Die! no. 2

In Live Wild or Die! no. 2 C. J. Hinke takes an extreme stand for saving trees; Dumpsterman, son of Waste King, describes the logic of dumpster diving; Vic Vac Sectomy and Tutti Toob Tyed argue for reproductive choice; and an unknown TV smasher offers tips on how to destroy televisions with steel pipes wrapped in duct tape.

Wild Earth 7, no. 1

In Wild Earth 7, no. 1 David Abram rediscovers our animal senses, Stephanie Kaza analyzes assumptions and stereotypes about human-nature relations, Connie Barlow reflects on the epic of evolution, and Christopher Manes reflects on a meaningful relationship with the wild.