"To Value Functions or Services? An Analysis of Ecosystem Valuation Approaches"
Using two European case-study areas, this paper explores the relative advantages of the two valuation approaches.
Using two European case-study areas, this paper explores the relative advantages of the two valuation approaches.
This article is building the theory for the scientific field of industrial ecology.
David Rapport explores what is and what is not implied by the ecosystem health metaphor.
James Nelson considers what kind of normative work might be done by speaking of ecosystems utilizing a “medical” vocabulary—drawing, that is, on such notions as “health,” disease,” and “illness.”
The close coexistence of multiple worldviews, which I identify in their most extreme incarnations as indigenous and mestizo, are key to understanding the environmental history of the Tropical Andes from the nineteenth century.
Shrader-Frechette and McCoy use examples related to preservation versus development, hunting versus animal rights, and controversies over pest control, to show that, because ecology is conceptually and theoretically underdetermined, environmental values often influence the practice of ecological science.
A leader in the study of the ecology and evolution of marine organisms, Jeremy Jackson is known for his deep understanding of geological time.
Bryan Norton differs between two types of sustainability definitions, ‘social scientific’ and ‘ecological’ ones, in order to define our moral obligation to act sustainably.
A biography of the Chicago River.