Burning Cultivation of Peatlands in Finland
Burning cultivation of peatlands was by far the greatest source of carbon dioxide in Finland during the whole of nineteenth century and at the beginning of the twentieth century.
Burning cultivation of peatlands was by far the greatest source of carbon dioxide in Finland during the whole of nineteenth century and at the beginning of the twentieth century.
In 1997 and 1998 peat swamp forests burned in Borneo, Indonesia, spewing big amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
This article explores the social and ecological legacies of the peat industry in Russia and the different meanings that people attach to peatlands after the end of peat extraction.
Munich airport: Economy instead of ecology? The Munich airport wants to be green. But it used to be much greener here. How high is the price for humans and nature?
Peat was a widely used fuel in mid-nineteenth-century Berlin that acted as a bridge in the energy transition between firewood and coal.