Dirty Energy
This film investigates the cost of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill disaster on Lousiana communities, and criticizes the relationship between British Petroleum and the U.S. government.
This film investigates the cost of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill disaster on Lousiana communities, and criticizes the relationship between British Petroleum and the U.S. government.
This film recounts the story of activists aboard the Greenpeace ship Arctic 30. Protesting against the first oil drilling in the Arctic ocean, they were jailed by Russia and charged with piracy and hooliganism, sparking a bitter international dispute.
For the special section “Living Lexicon for the Environmental Humanities,” Eben Kirksey reflects on the nature of hope and argues for the importance of grounding it in communities of actual living animals, plants, and microbes.
This is Chapter 9 of the exhibition “Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring: A book that changed the world” by historian Mark Stoll.
This artistic contribution explores sensory engagement with contamination caused by oil-waste pits in the Ecuadorian Amazon.
This article explors the 1972 Myrtea oil spill in the Singapore Strait, its environmental impact, and subsequent policy changes.