The Age of the Soybean: An Environmental History of Soy during the Great Acceleration
An edited volume on the soybean, one of the world’s most important commodities.
An edited volume on the soybean, one of the world’s most important commodities.
A short excerpt from The Making of Modern Agriculture: Nelson Rockefeller’s American International Association (AIA) in Latin America (1946–1968), a book by Claiton Marcio da Silva published in 2023.
When the COVID-19 pandemic struck, demand for backyard chickens soared. This article traces how, since settlement, Australians have turned to backyard chooks in times of crisis in pursuit of food security.
This article discusses the intimate connection between seeds and landscapes through networks of non-corporate farmers, experts, politicians, and agricultural companies.
In this article, environmentalist Hayal Desta considers the impact of agrarian practices and climate change on Lake Ziway, Ethiopia.
In this Springs article, historian Paul S. Sutter considers the “Knowledge Anthropocene” as well as deep time in George Perkins Marsh’s understanding of the construction of Panama’s Darién canal.
The Guaraní accused global corporations such as Coca Cola and Cargill of using their traditional knowledge associated with the stevia plant and filed for an access-and-benefit sharing agreement.
This article addresses the deep history of pest crops and plant diseases in historical agriculture development.
In this article, former Carson Landhaus Fellow Subarna De contextualises the ecological and cultural practices of the Kodagu coffee plantations of Southern India within the post-/decolonial framework of bioregional reinhabitation.
The Indian government’s support for hybrid rice led to widescale deforestation in central India, disrupting Indigenous foodways based around the production and consumption of millets.