Fröttmaninger Müllberg | Ecopolis München
Fröttmaninger Müllberg: Can One Simply Bury the Past?
Fröttmaninger Müllberg: Can One Simply Bury the Past?
Munich from Below: What Happens Underground?
This is a chapter of the virtual exhibition “Famines in Late Nineteenth-Century India: Politics, Culture, and Environmental Justice”—written and curated by sociologist Naresh Chandra Sourabh and economic historian Timo Myllyntaus.
Beginning in 1915, Greek authorities implemented measures against the nomadic shepherds of southern Macedonia.
A historical examination of the occurrence of pests and diseases in tobacco farming and the environmental impact in Southern Rhodesia.
The Indian government’s support for hybrid rice led to widescale deforestation in central India, disrupting Indigenous foodways based around the production and consumption of millets.
In this Springs article, historian Paul S. Sutter considers the “Knowledge Anthropocene” as well as deep time in George Perkins Marsh’s understanding of the construction of Panama’s Darién canal.
In this article, environmentalist Hayal Desta considers the impact of agrarian practices and climate change on Lake Ziway, Ethiopia.