Winged Scourge
An animated Disney film featuring the Seven Dwarves, showing various methods of combating the transmission of malaria by Anopheles mosquitoes.
An animated Disney film featuring the Seven Dwarves, showing various methods of combating the transmission of malaria by Anopheles mosquitoes.
Examines the relationship between the mass consumption of a tropical commodity (bananas) in the United States, and environmental and social change in Honduras during the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
The European Green Belt is a pan-European project to protect the environment and consolidate peace along the former Iron Curtain throughout Europe.
Relates the story of the development of distinct landscapes and ambiences on the urban fringe in three eastern US counties.
Inner Harngzhou Bay, on the east coast of China at approximately 30 degrees N, is an unstable macrotidal estuarine system whose geographical configuration has altered dramatically over the last thousand years…
Sophisticated local agricultural and forest management techniques have underlain the creation and maintenance of the main landscape features in Kissidougou Prefecture of Guinea’s forest-savanna transition zone…
Until about fifteen centuries ago the interaction of humans with the Southeast Asian rainforest was primarily one of interdependence…
This paper addresses one of the most under-researched areas of resource use and management in rural India, that of “wild resources,” and explores the links between ecological change, famine and poverty.
The British were not the only foreign rulers to bring ecological catastrophe to India. Large areas of forest had been destroyed under the Moguls in the 17th century…
The review of an introduction to environmental history by an historical geographer and of a comprehensive account of the Valasian bisses with directions for twenty one walks, the work of a former British consul in Geneva.