"The Origins and Purpose of Eco-Innovation"
The article aims to provide a historical perspective on the concept of eco-innovation, its different meanings and its position in the modern debate around sustainability.
The article aims to provide a historical perspective on the concept of eco-innovation, its different meanings and its position in the modern debate around sustainability.
The article reflects on how to feed a growing world population in a context of natural resource scarcity and considers the 2012 World Water Day as a means to open an international debate in order to identify strategic choices capable of combining, globally and locally, the objective of food security with that of water resource protection.
This article aims to disclose the nature and underlying causes of the recent food crises focusing on both conjunctural and structural factors; to analyze the socio-economic and geopolitical impacts of food price increases; to identify the possible strategies to minimize the trade-off between the increase of agricultural production and the sustainable use of natural resources.
Using the Central Coast of California as a case study, this article argues that a nexus of ambitious growers and a growing state agricultural bureaucracy worked to create a “brand name” and teach cultivation approaches with increased production and expanded markets. But these same actors also made efforts to keep the long-term health of the industry and the community in mind.
A reflection on the Sustainabile Development Goals (SDGs) in environmental history.